2019 – A Year in the Making

It’s the 1st week of January and the new year has well and truly started! And what does it have in store you ask.

Well apart from the political uncertainties which face us all this year, I shall, as befits a true egotist, concentrate on me! I better start with a brief retrospective on 2018:-

Highlights of 2018

As some of you know, the past year has been a busy one for myself and my venerated band members. 4 months were spent touring – a month in Europe with the wonderful Wishbone Ash and the rest with the incredible Fish in Europe and the UK. A live album and our first live DVD were released, and we welcomed two new musicians into the fold.

I must confess to having been a little apprehensive of spending 2 months on a tour bus with Fish and co. Two months with 11+ people can go horribly wrong, and I was expecting some fireworks along the way. But, miraculously, we all got on famously! I don’t think anyone was expecting that, least of all Fish. I now have two band families instead of one and am more than a little pleased by this development.

We did enjoy one Christmas Tree episode (it’s become a tradition) in Norwich, which resulted in Fish shouting at the Hotel Manager in his underpants whilst Radar and I frantically reassembled the tree. Baublegate 2018. I shall remember it fondly.

2019 News

So onto 2019. My new website is about to go live – a minor bit of excitement. Far more exhilarating is that Fish has asked me to stick around this year, starting with joining him for Cruise to the Edge Festival which sets off from Florida in February. Haven’t been to the US in years and never been on a cruise ship! Should be quite an adventure.

I’ve also been invited for more backing vocals on Fish’s forthcoming album, plus some festivals with him in the summer, and some more touring later in the year with my band once more in the supporting role. Can’t wait.

Meanwhile, we are starting with our own new album! Lots of ideas have already been laid down over the last year, but as ever, we’ll be plugging gaps and coming up with brand new songs as we go along. No release date as yet, but we’ll keep you posted.

In the meantime, the 3rd live album – uncut in Hamburg from January ‘18 – will be coming out in March, and we have 3 intimate UK shows with ‘That Joe Payne’ in March and April. As UK venues are clamping down on those famous laser gloves, I will be trying out some new toys and effects this year…. You’ll have to come to a show to see what…

One of the highlights of 2018 was that we got to meet so many great new people! I can’t wait to see you all again and to meet new ones too. May 2019 be a fantastic year for you all!



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